API Rocked Review

If you are out to get real results from your weight training, pre-workout supplements are a must. They help prime your body to the get the most from every pump, curl, and lift. One pre-workout supplement you might want to look into is API Rocked.
Formulated with several ingredients we’ve seen put to great use in other products, this product shows promise to be a very effective supplement. API Rocked is supposedly designed to provide massive vascularity, potent strength, and maximum endurance.
Yet is API Rocked as amazing as it looks in the advertisements? Or is it all show and no go?
About API Rocked
API Rocked has the right stuff to get the right results. Each of its promised benefits are backed by high performing ingredients that have really been used to great effect. For instance, API Rocked uses 2000mg of Arginine AKG. This whopping dose will make your veins explode with blood and fluid, filling muscles with nutrients and oxygen they need to pump proficiently.
API Rocked also uses high concentrations of creatine monohydrate to offer vast stores of ATP so your muscles can contract harder and faster for better results in your workout. Studies have shown that 5 grams of creatine a day can significantly increase muscle volume and strength, so you can get that lean, sculpted look you’ve always wanted.
API Rocked also contains stimulants like caffeine anhydrous and amino acids like beta-alanine to improve focus and prolong training. Although these ingredients may cause negative side effects, most consumers said that these symptoms faded within the first few days.
Current Retail Price
Rocked is available to purchase from a few online sellers for around $30 a 300 gram bottle – but many of the sellers are in Europe rather than in the US, which can significantly increase the price in shipping and other fees.
As far as we could tell, there are no money-back guarantees associated with this product, so you’ll want to be absolutely certain that API rocked is for you.
Taste and Texture
Consumers stated that the taste was tolerable, but not overwhelmingly impressive. If you opt for the lemonade flavor, it might be a bit bitter and sour for most consumers.
What Consumers Think
Consumer reviews and feedback give us the impression that the first few scoops of API rocked are fairly effective at boosting muscle growth and physical performance, but over time, a few developed tolerance to the supplement and it didn’t work as well.
Does API Rocked Really Work?
API Rocked has a good formula, but its one we’ve seen before. In fact, ingredient for ingredient, Rocked is almost identical to Jack3d. While we’re pleased that API is selling something that works, we would have liked to see an interesting take on this formula, something to make this product stand out from the rest.
If all these basically have the same ingredients, intended for the same results, go with the product that’s priced the best. We’ve seen API Rocked listed for as much as $40-50 with shipping while Noxyfuel and Jack3d have been spotted as low as $30. We’d recommend finding the product that will get you the most bang for your buck.
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