Pro V60 Review

Pro V60 is a multi-purpose formula that can help you to lose more weight and achieve the greater fat burning results that you dream of.
Supposedly with Pro V60ΒΈyou will finally be able to get the natural ingredients to promote lean muscle building and fat burning, essentially providing you with the perfect protein formula.
Pro V60 is produced by some of the most popular diet pill manufacturers in the industry: Labrada. Yet will this protein powder live up to the company’s reputation? Or does it fall short of our expectations with poor ingredients and results?
About Pro V60
Pro V60 has 60g of protein per serving – which is one of the largest amounts of protein I’ve ever seen in a protein powder.
Unfortunately, the protein in Pro V60 is not exactly what you would hope for. Unlike other ingredients and supplements, the body cannot store protein for later use and it can only absorb about 20-30 grams of protein in a single sitting, which means that you’re paying extra for protein you can’t use.
On the flip side, many athletes and bodybuilders like to cut their protein servings in half, saving on money and cutting back on calories. If you do the same with Pro V60, you’ll still be getting about 30 grams of protein (which is still an impressive amount) per scoop, and you’ll only be consuming about 150 calories if you carefully measure your dose.
But then again, Pro V60 uses extremely low-quality protein in its formula, so even if you use the full serving of protein, you might not be giving your muscles everything they need to bulk up. Additionally, The formula offers very few amino acids at best, and all in all, it is far more likely to cause stomach upset and other side effects than anything else.
The Taste
Pro V60 is available in 3 different flavors: chocolate ice cream, strawberry ice cream, and vanilla ice cream. Many consumers have said that Pro V60 is one of the best tasting proteins on the market and it dissolves easily.
Current Price
Currently Pro V60 can be purchased from popular supplement sites such as for around $47.30 a bottle, which is fairly average for a protein shake, and if you do decide to cut the servings in half, then you could make the bottle last twice as long and save yourself a few extra dollars.
Pro V60 is not a product we would ever recommend. It does not actually help you to lose weight because it is high in calories and carbs, nor does it help you build muscle effectively because of the low-quality protein. While it may help you pack on a few pounds of muscle, it looks like it will also pack on a few pounds of fat.
And all in all, with Pro V60, there are more problems than anything else, though consumers definitely love the taste. Consequently, we would definitely recommend that you look into other options that will give you more protein, high quality protein, and basically everything that Pro V60 does not have.
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