Six Star Whey Isolate Review

Six Star Whey Isolate is a new protein powder from MuscleTech. As you might guess, it’s core ingredient is whey isolate, a buffered form of protein that is rather pure compared to other protein sources.
Though Myotein and other products also use whey protein, this supplement focuses solely on it as a high form of protein in order to help you get the best possible results.
We’ve seen whey protein isolate be put to incredible use in other products.
That’s why we couldn’t wait to see how Six Star Whey Isolate would use it in their blend since MuscleTech has really unveiled some great products in the past.
So will Six Star Whey Isolate be another MuscleTech hit? Or are we in for a disappointment? Let’s check it out.
About Six Star Whey Isolate
As we mentioned earlier, whey protein isolate is very pure compared to other protein sources. That means there is little chance for bloating or nausea.
One problem that often arises with certain proteins in other products is that they are not easily absorbed. This form of protein is easily absorbed and readily available for use in your body.
Whey protein isolate is also a rich source of branch chain amino acids that can be easily used to build muscles and spark protein synthesis.
Six Star Whey Isolate also contains 30 grams of whey isolate so you get quite a bit per serving.
Does Six Star Whey Isolate Really Work?
Although whey isolate protein is a great ingredient, it doesn’t solve all your bodybuilding needs. In fact, this product really only has whey isolate.
The manufacturers act as though that makes them unique. Last time I checked, hundreds of supplements do the same thing. What’s also interesting is that Six Star Whey Isolate’s website references a university study that supposedly proves the effectiveness of their product.
The study shows that veteran bodybuilders who used Six Star Whey Isolate’s “core ingredient,” built more than twice the muscle of those using a placebo. But if you think about it, the core ingredient in Six Star Whey Isolate is whey isolate. Basically, their study proves that every other whey protein isolate product out there works just as well as theirs.
Based on only one real muscle building ingredient, Six Star Whey Isolate falls short of providing a comprehensive protein supplement. It’s nothing special, revolutionary, or new. Even though whey protein isolate is a great source of protein, that doesn’t mean you have to get it from Six Star.
There are hundreds of other supplements out there that use whey isolate in their formulas as well as other ingredients that round out the product and give it some depth. We recommend finding more multidimensional whey isolate products.
One of the formulas that may stir up some interest is the one used in Myotein. It utilizes whey protein and adds amino acids and other ingredients that are well known for their effectiveness in helping you to cut down on fat and build lean muscle.
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