Body Fortress Whey Protein Review

Like any whey protein powder should, Body Fortress Whey Protein delivers nutrients to your muscles, which should boost muscle mass and help you see impressive results at the gym.
Body Fortress Whey Protein has been ultra-filtered to provide you with fast-absorbing whey protein, which allows a higher concentration of protein to reach your muscles. This should help you recover faster from intense workouts.
There’s no question that Body Fortress Whey Protein has the potential to be a great product, but how does it compare to Myotein?
The Formula
Body Fortress Whey Protein’s formula is actually split up into two blends: Super Whey Protein Blend and Super Recovery Blend.
The Super Whey Protein Blend is made from whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate. These fast-absorbing proteins are readily digested by the body and they are proven to stimulate muscle growth and speed up recovery. You can find both these high-quality proteins in Myotein, plus 4 more.
The Super Recovery Blend has creatine monohydrate, taurine, l-glutamine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Creatine increases ATP production, which provides your muscle with more usable energy; allowing them to grow faster and have more endurance. The other four ingredients are powerful amino acids that improve workout performance and preserve muscle mass, to prevent breakdown.
The Specifications
Each 38 gram serving (one scoop) of Body Fortress Whey Protein has…
• 140 calories (Myotein has 146 and Zero Carb Isopure has 200)
• 26 grams of protein (Myotein has 26 and Isopure has 50)
• 2 grams of fat (Myotein and Isopure have 1)
• 8 grams of carbs (Myotein has 7 and some flavors of Isopure have 0)
• 2 grams of sugar (Myotein has 3 and Isopure has 0)
Body Fortress Whey Protein comes in five flavors: chocolate, chocolate peanut butter, cookies ‘n’ cream, strawberry, and vanilla. Myotein only comes in milk chocolate, which users seem to love, and Isopure has more than 12 low or no-carb flavors.
Is Body Fortress Whey Protein Safe?
Because Body Fortress Whey Protein is made from only all-natural ingredients and contains a whey protein concentrate, it should be safe. However, there is a chance of mild side effects.
Body Fortress Whey Protein includes a large dose of protein. Because your body may not be used to such a large dose, you may experience some minor side effects; including more frequent bowel movements and stomach upset. Slowly increasing your dose up to the recommended serving size should limit the side effects.
What’s the Best Way to Use It
Body Fortress Whey Protein can be added to water or milk and users say it mixes well. If you’re trying to lose weight, use skim milk or water. Because of the types of protein it uses, Body Fortress Whey Protein works best when taken right after a workout. Serious athletes or body builders should take 1-2 scoops; but if you’re using Body Fortress Whey Protein for other reasons–such as a meal replacement–1 scoop should be enough.
What’s the Cost?
You can get 2 lbs. of Body Fortress Whey Protein for about $15 to $22. This is a fraction of the cost you’d have to pay for some protein powders, and the reason is quality. For example, Myotein (2.55 lbs.) costs around $40-$50 because it has the highest quality proteins on the market. Body Fortress Whey Protein doesn’t have this quality, so it costs less.
Overall Impression
Body Fortress Whey Protein is a good option for people who want an affordable protein powder. It has a good formula and the potential to produce results. I do have a couple concerns though. First, there are other products with higher quality protein and more types of protein; for instance, Myotein. Second, Body Fortress Whey Protein is not pure protein. It has creatine; which many users would prefer to see left out.
Overall, I think Body Fortress Whey Protein is a good product, but it’s not the best. If you’re looking for pure, high-quality protein and optimal results, I suggest that you look at Myotein — the #1 rated protein powder.
Please share any comments you have about Body Fortress Whey Protein. I would love to hear your thoughts and recommendations.
It taste okay. Its effectiveness is not a suprise 4/10
I gain about 3lbs of muscle sixstar is great
May 10, 2011 at 8:39 pm
whey is different from soy. whey is good fro pousworkott because it is digested quickly and starts to build repair muscle. soy like casein is slowly digested(not as effective). i dont know what u heard to make u not like whey powder, but it is really effective/safe/natural. GNC 100%whey is 40 dollars for 87 servings. not a bad deal(cheaper than soybeans prolly)
January 15, 2013 at 10:54 am
also my protein from say 2 mothns ago might not have aspartame but it has sucralose splenda . none of that shit is good for you. you wont learn when to back down because you are a teen but you can keep trying to prove you know all. go home and consume your 60 dollar muscletech and take some 70 dollar NO2 pills and 60 dollar celltech and do some pushups and get small exspensive gains
January 17, 2013 at 9:13 am
I use this stuff because it is inexpensive, and high in protein. Of course the full serving size of 2 scoops equaling 52g of protein is too much to digest, but I only use one scoop at a time for 26g which should be in the ideal range. I have gained some size using it, I am not sure if its ingredient quality is that great, but I haven’t really tried anything else as I am on a tight budget.
May 11, 2011 at 9:09 pm
cliff my freind. when you wrote i do sqatus at ?whatever weight it was? and said i do 12 to 14 reps of it. and then you talked about doing different exercises at 8 reps, i knew you where an idiot. im stopping here. you obv dont understand the simplelest of things like what different reps do. why wouldnt you be doing 6 to 8 reps for strength still like in your other exercises? you are a fool
January 17, 2013 at 11:48 am
I agree with Jake. Tastes great when mixed with skim milk and a fruit (banana or strawberries or even yogurt). I bike for 12-25 miles (depending on the day) and then a workout routine and have been doing 2 scoops but may reduce to one after reading this. If it is just as effective it will cut the cost in half! I use it because it is inexpensive, Walmart sells it, & that is where we do grocery shopping.
August 17, 2011 at 3:20 pm
Bob, you will find, based on my experience as a personal trainer, better results in muscle gain and have more energy during workouts, if you do your resistance training followed by your cardiovascular exercise. It has to do with aerobic capacity and OBLA (onset of blood-lactic acid) if you’d like to look it up.
April 28, 2012 at 2:22 am
I’ll just state this. Raw milk and bacteria will only befenit you overall. The reason people are sick and some do die form bacteria is because they are genetically weak now. Their immune system is compromised because of so many additives and antibacterial agents in the food. Avoid that. Contaminated greens with bad bacteria, are bad fro these people, for me, nothing. I don’t even notice it. Contact me and I will give more details. Also, heating changes molecular structure of protein.
January 17, 2013 at 9:07 am
just wandering i am using this in place of eating breakfest and watching calories ect rest if day will this be a good product to use instead og breakfest mixed with fruit as a smoothie if not can somrone stir me the right way.looking at loosing some weight but do not exercise. confussed difference between meal replacement shake and protein powder shakes HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
February 25, 2012 at 5:56 pm
Hello Sandy, thanks for your question! The biggest difference between protein shakes and meal replacement shakes is that protein shakes are used to supplement a heavy strength training routine, and meal replacement shakes are used to give you a lean source of energy.
Hope that helps you!
March 14, 2012 at 3:43 pm
you don’t want Whey, I won’t address that but if you want to use Soy, there are many Soy Protein podrwes on the market, plus there are Soy Protein drinks that you can buy. The biggest problem with grinding up soybeans is that you get more than just the little amount of protein you’ll also get fiber, Soy Isoflavones, Ipriflavone, and some other miscellaneous nutrients.
January 15, 2013 at 5:21 am
i use a whey protein clelad original New Zealand whey by ergogenics nutrition and its 100% natural, GMO free, rich in calcium, antibiotic free, hormone free from cows not given rBGH or BST , and no preservatives, colors, wheat, gluten, artificial flavors or sweeteners. It DOES contain typical and essential amino acids, ULTRA CFM whey protein blend(whey concentrate,whey isolate), enzyme blend(protase, lactase, amylase), vanilla bean (flavor), and stevia. one of the best quality proteins available
January 17, 2013 at 8:54 am
Your body can only digest 22-24 grams of protein in one sitting. With lots of exercise and weight training your body would probably require more protein but just throughout the day.
March 6, 2012 at 6:17 am
There is no definitive scientific evidence that your body can only digest 22-24 grams of protein in one sitting. I use this product, two scoops in the morning (52 grams) and two scoops post-workout. It has worked great for me. The advantage to this product is not only that it is inexpensive, but that it is easily available where I do my regular grocery shopping… thus, I don’t have to make a special trip to a specialty store to purchase it.
August 8, 2013 at 9:36 am
I agree with Jakes comment- inexpensive and I only use 1 scoop 3 times a week(mon,wed,fri)after weight lifting. So far, so good. Mike
March 9, 2012 at 11:37 pm
alllllllllll kinndddddsssss of gaiiiinnnnsssss all kindsssssssss
September 13, 2012 at 5:14 am
Been using Body Fortress whey protein for about three months now, after weight training and I am DEFINITELY noticing the difference ! I’m 53 years old and have trained off and on thru my life but have NEVER noticed this kind of improvement ! Yeh, there may be more expensive “purer” products out there, but on this one I’m sold !
November 2, 2012 at 2:44 pm
Youre zo goed. Im daar met je. Uw blog is zeker een lezen waard als iemand overkomt het. Im gelukkig ik deed omdat nu Ive kreeg een heel nieuwe kijk op deze. Ik wist niet dat deze kwestie was zo belangrijk en zo universeel. U zeker zet het in perspectief voor mij.
June 19, 2013 at 10:44 pm
Sólo un rápido hola y también darle las gracias por hablar de sus ideas sobre esta página. Acabé en su blog después de la investigación de cuestiones relacionadas aptitud física en Yahoo … supongo que perdí la noción de lo que había estado llevando a cabo! De todos modos voy a estar de vuelta tan pronto como una vez más en el largo plazo para verificar cabo sus entradas del blog en el futuro. ¡Gracias!
June 19, 2013 at 11:19 pm
Juste un rapide bonjour et aussi à vous remercier pour discuter de vos idées sur cette page. Je me suis retrouvé dans votre blog droite après des recherches sur les questions liées de conditionnement physique sur Yahoo … suppose que j’ai perdu la trace de ce que j’avais été la scène! Quoi qu’il en soit, je serai de retour dès que nouveau dans le long terme pour vérifier vos blogposts sur la route. Merci!
June 19, 2013 at 11:21 pm
Il est triste que certaines personnes ne reçoivent pas le point et d’écrire de tels commentaires!
June 19, 2013 at 11:31 pm
Moet dit ook wijzen op het feit dat er twee verschillende doelgroepen blogs lezen?
June 20, 2013 at 12:44 am
Complimenti a voi! Questo è davvero un buon blog qui e mi piace il tuo stile di scrittura. Come sei così bravo a bloggare?
June 20, 2013 at 12:49 am
Does Body Fortress , Super Advanced Whey Protein have traces of lead in it? Other protein shakes do but I can’t find the info on this particular one.
June 14, 2014 at 6:58 pm
There is no lead in Body Fortress Whey Protein as far as we know.
July 17, 2014 at 11:52 am
I am on my second container now, I mix it with water and some frozen fruit. Best tasting mix I ever had. I am a 67 year old women, trying to come back one last time. Had a really bad motor cycle accident and still recovering after ten years. I am training with weights again, but have to work around some things. Never quit! Linda
November 4, 2015 at 8:20 am
Ughhh, just bought the Vanilla whey protein. Wanted to try something different than the brand I had previously been using. For me the taste is horrible…couldn’t even finish my smoothie.
July 31, 2018 at 4:19 pm
Hi I’m 50 years old looking to lose 50 pounds and build muscle
February 7, 2019 at 9:27 am