Muscle Infusion Black Review

If you’re looking for extreme lean muscle growth, Muscle Infusion Black promises to deliver.

Right away, I was impressed with this protein powder because it has a formula similar to the formula of Myotein — the Best Protein Powder of the Year. Let’s take a closer look at Muscle Infusion Black and see if it can compare to Myotein in terms of effectiveness and value as well.

The Ingredients

Muscle Infusion Black has 7 types of protein combined into a blend that totals 25 grams per serving (one scoop). This is a good dose. It makes up 50% of your Daily Value of protein.

Ultra-Filtered Instantized Whey Protein Concentrate: Powerful protein that eliminates fat and is quickly absorbed into the body.

Micro-Filtered Instantized Whey Protein Isolate: A very pure protein that is popular with professional body builders. It is absorbed quickly into the body and converted into an amino acid.

Instantized & Hydrolyzed Whey Protein: Quickly-absorbed and easily-digested by the body. Promotes the formation of lean muscle.

Instantized Egg Albumin: This protein is naturally derived from eggs and promotes overall good health; as well as muscle-building.

Instantized Micellar Casein: Slowly-absorbed so it stays in the body for a long time and provides you with a sustained release of energy and nutrients.

Instantized Milk Protein Isolate: Also a slowly-absorbing type of protein.

Instantized Calcium Caseinate: Adds thickness and consistency. It is a slow-digesting protein.

What Can This Formula Do?

Most protein powders either use fast-absorbing protein or slow; only a few (Myotein is one of these) combine the two. I like that Muscle Infusion Black has combined them because it gives you the fast, energizing benefits and the sustained, muscle-preserving benefits of protein. With these benefits, you get more for your money with products like Muscle Infusion Black and Myotein.

Muscle Infusion Black would be a great product for people who want to build and preserve lean muscle. It would also be good for people who want to lose weight because protein (especially the slow-absorbing kind) is a great appetite-suppressor.

The Supplement Facts

In every serving, Muscle Infusion Black has 143 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 15 mg of cholesterol, 4 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of sugar; and of course, 25 grams of protein. These numbers are just one more reason why Muscle Infusion Black would be a great weight loss protein powder.

It comes in three flavors: Chocolate Monster, Cookie Madness, and Vanilla Beast. Users say the Chocolate Monster flavor tastes best and they give it 9.2 out of 10.

Is Muscle Infusion Black Safe?

I think Muscle Infusion Black should be safe. It doesn’t have any stimulants or harmful ingredients. It does have quite the ingredient list though, but it appears that most of these ingredients are nutrients, vitamins, and minerals; hopefully not fillers. The dose of protein Muscle Infusion Black uses is also a good one, so you shouldn’t experience the bloating and stomach upset that often accompany “over-dosing” on protein.

How to Use It

Although the manufacturer recommends taking 2-4 scoops a day, I recommend taking no more than 2 a day. More protein is not necessarily better and your body can’t use it all if you’re taking the same kind of protein. If you take more than 50 grams of protein a day, a lot of the protein is just digested without giving you the benefits.

You can mix Muscle Infusion Black with milk or water. It usually mixes better in milk, but this will raise the calorie and fat count. If you’re trying to lose weight, I suggest using water or skim milk. Make sure to mix Muscle Infusion Black with at least 6 ounces of liquid. It can be taken during the day, at night, or as a meal replacement.

Buying Muscle Infusion Black

Muscle Infusion Black comes in containers holding 2 lbs. (24 servings) or 5 lbs (60 servings). On the official website,, 2 lbs. costs $29.95 and 5 lbs. costs $57.95. If you buy 2 containers, you get 1 free. I couldn’t find a return policy on this site.

You can also buy Muscle Infusion Black from,, or The price ranges from $18 to $42 depending on which size you buy.

Myotein is the #1 high-quality protein powder and a 2.55 lb. container costs $50 to $60. As you can see, Muscle Infusion Black costs less, but it is also lower quality. You’ll find that most high-quality protein powders cost about the same as Myotein.

The Skinny

Overall, I think Muscle Infusion Black is a good, affordable protein powder. I like that it gives you more for your money in the formula by including a variety of protein sources. It receives great ratings from users and it comes from a well-known company.

Muscle Infusion Black is good, but it’s not the best. If you want a high-quality product, I recommend investing the extra money into a great protein powder like Myotein. I think you’ll find that you get your money’s worth; especially with Myotein because it has 6 premium, clinically proven types of protein. To learn more, visit

I would love to hear your opinion of Muscle Infusion Black! Please feel free to share it below.

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Muscle Infusion Black User Reviews

3 Reviews  | Write a Review

  1. Comment

    Iam using muscle infusion black from past 2 weeks and results are very it.

    July 12, 2012 at 3:14 am
  2. Comment

    You must be kidding me !!! 50 grams of protein is 100% DV ??? For who ??? 50 Lbs kid ?

    August 27, 2012 at 3:41 pm
    • Comment

      Fifty grams of protein is 100% of the recommended Daily Value for a person following a 2000-calories-a-day diet. Obviously, someone following an intense exercise program would eat more calories and would need more protein. The American Dietetic Association recommends that athletes and bodybuilders consume 0.5 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

      August 27, 2012 at 5:38 pm

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