Recover-X Review

“Anabolic Window.”

If you haven’t heard of this term before, it denotes the short time period that follows a strenuous workout in which your body more readily digests and uses anabolic-enhancing nutrients.

Along those lines, the purpose of post-workout supplements is to ensure that a user is benefiting from this “anabolic window”.

In this review, we’ll take a glance at one particular post-workout supplement, called Recover-X. Created by the company, Muscle Link, Recover-X has been packed full of amino acids, proteins and carbs to build muscle.

That being said, how effective, efficient and consistent is Recover-X at building muscle? You’re about to find out…

Its Design

Naturally, Recover-X is designed to be consumed just minutes after a workout during the “anabolic window” that we mentioned above.

During this time, Recover-X can be used to help replenish a body and give it the nutrients it needs to spur muscle growth.

As for the nutrients found in Recover-X, this product’s blend is highlighted by Hydrolyzed Whey protein. A fast-acting and fast-absorbing form of protein, Hydrolyzed Whey is extremely effective at providing muscle fibers with the fuel they need to grow big and strong.

You can find 40 grams of Hydrolyzed Whey in each serving of Recover-X.

In addition, Recover-X also contains a hearty dose of Glutamine Peptides and Whey Concentrate and L-Arginine.

Each serving of Recover-X includes 110 grams of nutrients.

A Potential Pitfall

Now then, not every ingredient found in Recover-X gets our stamp of approval. This is due to the fact that a substance called Methoxyisoflavone is found in Recover-X’s blend.

Clinical trials have shown that Methoxyisoflavone is just as effective as a typical anabolic steroid, but that it doesn’t come with the usual side effects associated with steroids. In other words, you get the best of both worlds with Methoxyisoflavone, right?

Well, maybe….

Although these trials were performed by medical experts, many sources have also noted that none of the findings associated with Methoxyisoflavone are conclusive. Sure, it could be just as effective as your leading steroid, but it could also be just as dangerous as well.

This is an obvious cause for concern and red flag that brings down the quality of Recover-X to a certain degree.

Other Odds and Ends

If you’re looking to save a little money and don’t want to buy Recover-X at retail value, there are some great deals currently available online for this post-workout supplement.

Whereas the retail price for this product is around $50, we found it for as cheap as $30 after just minutes of surfing the web.

Also, we should include the fact that each tub of Recover-X contains 16 serving amounts – or about a one-month supply. Recover-X is only sold in one flavor, Creamy Orange.

Last Thought

In conclusion, there are a number of things going for Recover-X. Its affordable, dependable and easy-to-use (just add 3 scoops of powder to 12 ounces of water).

As such, we do recommend the use of Recover-X for anabolic and muscle growth. But remember our Methoxyisoflavone disclaimer and be sure to take close note of any side effects that you may develop due to the use of Recover-X.

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Recover-X User Reviews

4 Reviews  | Write a Review

  1. Comment

    I’ve used this for a long time with positive results. As with any muscle supplement it’s not a magic pill but still requires work in the gym. The cheapest I’ve found this product online, including shipping, is on

    July 22, 2012 at 7:18 pm
    • Comment

      Review by S. Cook for Rating: Protein is a Hugh factor after havnig Gastric Bypass Surgery. This has all the nutrition needed and has the BEST taste. My friends and I have tried them all, and this is the winner. They also have lots of great flavors. I give this a well needed Five Star rating, because good Protein is a big priority in my life and taste is important.

      January 15, 2013 at 4:32 pm
    • Comment

      Review by S. Cook for Rating: Protein is a Hugh factor after hanivg Gastric Bypass Surgery. This has all the nutrition needed and has the BEST taste. My friends and I have tried them all, and this is the winner. They also have lots of great flavors. I give this a well needed Five Star rating, because good Protein is a big priority in my life and taste is important.

      January 17, 2013 at 4:50 pm
  2. Comment

    Review by Karen M. Watson for Rating: I am a fitness cteompitor and I’ve tried several protein powders and this is by far the best tasting protein powder I’ve ever had. It’s low in carbs so I can add in my own and low in calories. I always look forward to drinking it which is unusual for protein. Tastes like an iced coffee yummy

    January 17, 2013 at 4:50 pm

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